
Thursday, October 11, 2007 1 comments

I can't say it tasted like anything special but it knocked me on my ass like no other beer has done for a while. This Lithuania brew comes in at an unbelievable 9.5 which is just enough to second guess why you thought you should end your night with it. The company that distributes it swears it'll warm you up. I'm definitely not disputing that but I'd like to know who's gonna be the one to pick your cold dead body off the pavement.

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Snow Cougar

The first words out of my mouth were "wow thats good" sortly followed by a meaty taste which made me rethink my first statement. Snow Cougar in my own personal opinion tastes like salsbury steak day with that glue gravy they used to give us. Which I guess which would make it a step up from those sissy sandwhiches in a bottle I'm used to. Is it supposed to taste like this? It has a giant white cougar on it though and for that I'll drink it.

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texas sux beer

Texas Sux Beer and Texas Sux wine were produced to cash in on the rivarly between OU and Texas. Big Stick brewery is located Krebs, Oklahoma which luckily knows a whole lot about sucking. They managed to bottle every last ounce of it into the beer that in true Oklahoma fashion, weighs in at a hefty 3.2. We Okies wouldn't have it any other way..? It wasn't a terrible beer but I won't be buying it again. It gave me a headache and Josh and I were unsure if the bottles were actually 12oz or not.

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Evil Eye (Ojo Malo)

Thursday, September 13, 2007 2 comments

Evil Eye is a surprisingly fine malt liquor that packs a wallop. It comes in at a hefty ten percent alcohol which is strong even for a guy like me. You really don't taste it 'cause if you try real hard Evil Eye sorta tastes like Hornsby Cider. Now if I only had an adventure lined up tonight this flavor experience wouldn't go to waste.

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Miller Lite

Suprisingly I'd never had Miller Lite until my recent trip to Austin. I figure if the commish is enforcing its consumption it couldn't be all bad. It really isn't anything special in my eyes and I actually had a hard time drinking it exclusively for that night. I'll split a six with you, but you are taking the extras home.

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Lone Star

Lone Star is texas's very own shitty beer. While most beers are made by unionized workers I have this secret belief that Lone Star is made by illegals and the mentally disabled awaiting execution...

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Side Pocket

Once when we were young we thought our dreams could be real. My dream was to find a beer which could be consumed hot. As I get older the realization occured that I may never complete my quest. Side pocket hot is like being punched in the throat while swallowing cough syrup. It isn't fair to write a review on a beer I only tried hot but life isn't fair son.

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Hacker-Pschorr Weisse

Tuesday, August 21, 2007 0 comments

This beer is really pretty interesting. It has a texture simular to Mac and Jacks African Amber and is a lot heavier than the hefeweizens I have had previously. I was told that Hacker-Pschorr Weisse has a sixty/forty blend of wheat and something or another... It doesn't really matter whats in it. I mean, really?

Mike's Rating: 2.5 out of 5
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Perhaps you need to be in the right state of mind but Harp has been a favorite of mine for sevaral years now. Maybe its that underdog image it carries for some due to the popularity Guinness holds. I was once told the only reason Harp was created was in order to make black and tans. I mean thats gotta give you a complex. Well I love you just how you are Harp.

Mike's Rating: 3 out of 5
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Miller Genuine Draft

Thursday, August 16, 2007 1 comments

I'll have to admit that I was a little skeptical about this stuff. My only real experience with MGD was as a kid my mom used to keep a couple of 'em in the fridge. I asked why she did that since I never saw her drink beer and she said it was so that in case anyone every broke into the house they'd know a man lived there. Don't ask me the rationality behind this, I mean they would have had to already broken into the house and I have my doubts the watch beers would chase them off. Regardless of its lack of intimidatability it isn't really that bad of a beer. I've even heard a few say that it might even ranked up there as the king of lawnmower beers. I'm not sure about all that but overall it could be much much worse.

Mike's Rating: 2 out of 5
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Don't let the big gold quality star on the can fool you, this ain't no value right beer. Sapporo has been a friend of mine for a long long time. I like their cans that sorta look like eight inch shells. It is a very smooth beer but it doesn't come out feeling like a lite (light) beer at all. Yummy Yummy!

Mike's Rating: 3 out of 5
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Mickey's Ice

Sunday, August 12, 2007 0 comments

Unlike it's delicious counterpart, Mickey's Ice lacks everything that makes Mickeys Mickeys. Light on flavor, M.I. tries hard to act like the lawnmower beer it never was. You just can't be what the good lord didn't put in you, even I know that.

Mike's Rating: 1.5 out of 5
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Big Bear malt liquor

So it isn't fancy or high brow. It lacks the sophistication many looking forward to in a beverage. What it does have is a big fucking bear on the bottle! And that's really all it really has. Although, I had a good time drinking on it. It is just another cheap malt liquor, but hey, who said there is anything wrong with that?

Mike's Rating: 1.5 out of 5
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No its not a near beer and in all honesty its not really that bad. I had been led to believe that Rainer ranked up there somewhere between Alabama swamp water and those liters of urine Russ used to keep under his bed. In fact Rainer has inspired me to make new section on the beer page, and no. It isn't called crappy beer Mike likes.

Mike's Rating: 1.5 out of 5
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Tuesday, August 7, 2007 1 comments

Zywiec is a tasty little polish beer that a pretty little polish girl gave me. Then she swore at someone and went outside for a smoke. The beer itself is pretty smooth and comes with a little beer thermometer on the back of the bottle. I guess that means its out of the running for the quest for the ultimate "Hot Beer?"

Mike's Rating: 3.5 out of 5
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Old Rasputin

Talk about a dark beer! Christ this stuff will knock your socks off and replace them with cement tennies. While I enjoyed Old Rasputin I can't say that I would necessarily drink it again at least not willingly. Some of you beer snobs like your beer the consistency of tar. That's your choice but when you get cancer of the garsnuckle I don't wanna hear any complaining.

Mike's Rating: 2 out of 5
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Hales Brewery: Red Menace

The Red Menace is a extremely red beer made in Seattle Washington. I first had it a couple weeks back and it helped make the night. I can't really talk about anything that happened but lets just say its one of those nights people talk about for a while. Or they would, if they could. If they weren't all dead.... Or... *Cough* It's lovely weather we're having here wouldn't you say?

Mike's Rating: 4 out of 5
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St. Pauli Girl

Tuesday, July 31, 2007 1 comments

St. Pauli Girl is an above average pale ale that goes well with a soccer game. Don't ask why but when I watch futbol I yearn for the stuff. It is one of those imported beers that doesn't feel like an import. And, it has a pretty little lady on the front, you just can't beat that.

Mike's Rating: 2.5 out of 5
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Pabst Blue Ribbon

This ain't no bull riding association, its cheap yummy beer. You could roughly estimate that forty plus percent of my body is now made of PBR. I will drink Pabst out of a can or bottle, but the bottle always makes it taste too watery. The way to go is straight out of the tap. If you can get them to pour it into a big ass mason jar, you won't regret it. It is also an excellent writing tool. I went to college, I know.

Mike's Rating: 3.5 out of 5
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Mickeys. The best beer ever. Okay now I know that isn't true but I like to believe so. It's a belief as strong as the faith Cubs fans hold that they may ever win a world series. Or maybe, a better comparison would be a Marlins fan. Everyone thinks they suck but all six fans know how good they are, they have two titles for god sake! So drink Mickeys. Drink lots of it. I take baths in the stuff and wash my face with it. You should too, it might clear up that ugly mug of yers.

Mike's Rating: 5 out of 5
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I like Coors. I'm somewhat ashamed to say so, but it makes me hit home runs. Now I'm talking about Coors, not that wussy light stuff. It's never been mean to me or told me my ideas were stupid. It's never spent my money on shoes or paint pens. No, me and Coors have a strong loving relationship.

Mike's Rating: 2 out of 5
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Pilsner Urquell

I like Pilsner Urquell. It's a little more bitter than how some people like their beer. I'm not sure when American's decided all their beer needed to taste like water but I must have not got the memo. I wouldn't want to drink this stuff everyday, but I might have to 'cause I bought a lot of it. I wish there was a way to have an Anger Parade beer exchange. Jenny and I used to talk about putting together a AP beer sampler, I just don't even know how to start since everyone lives so far away...

Mike's Rating: 2 out of 5
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Wells Bombardier Premium Ale

Wells Bombardier is yummy and smooth. It was exactly what I needed to calm down after the confusing, crazy night in which I procured it...

Mike's Rating: 4 out of 5
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Red Stripe

Once, long before the recent advertising campaign, this drunk mom came up to me in the store and started asking me whether or not she should buy Red Stripe. I will tell you now what I told her then, "Hey girl what's going on. Yeah you should buy it, but not before you give me that number." It led to a three month affair that probably took a couple months off my life. And this scar... Drink Red Stripe responisibly and always in moderation.

Mike's Rating: 4.5 out of 5
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Warsteiner: Premium Dunkel

Now I'm not sure what a Dunkel is but it can't be healthy. But who worries about their health nowadays anyway? Christ, I eat fried catfish and orange soda for breakfast. Warsteiner Premium Dark is a solid darker beer that is rather smooth going down. I would probably pass in favor for another beer if I was drinking dark, but there are some who don't feel that way at all.

Mike's Rating: 3 out of 5
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