Evil Eye (Ojo Malo)

Thursday, September 13, 2007 2 comments

Evil Eye is a surprisingly fine malt liquor that packs a wallop. It comes in at a hefty ten percent alcohol which is strong even for a guy like me. You really don't taste it 'cause if you try real hard Evil Eye sorta tastes like Hornsby Cider. Now if I only had an adventure lined up tonight this flavor experience wouldn't go to waste.

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Miller Lite

Suprisingly I'd never had Miller Lite until my recent trip to Austin. I figure if the commish is enforcing its consumption it couldn't be all bad. It really isn't anything special in my eyes and I actually had a hard time drinking it exclusively for that night. I'll split a six with you, but you are taking the extras home.

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Lone Star

Lone Star is texas's very own shitty beer. While most beers are made by unionized workers I have this secret belief that Lone Star is made by illegals and the mentally disabled awaiting execution...

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Side Pocket

Once when we were young we thought our dreams could be real. My dream was to find a beer which could be consumed hot. As I get older the realization occured that I may never complete my quest. Side pocket hot is like being punched in the throat while swallowing cough syrup. It isn't fair to write a review on a beer I only tried hot but life isn't fair son.

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