St. Pauli Girl

Tuesday, July 31, 2007 1 comments

St. Pauli Girl is an above average pale ale that goes well with a soccer game. Don't ask why but when I watch futbol I yearn for the stuff. It is one of those imported beers that doesn't feel like an import. And, it has a pretty little lady on the front, you just can't beat that.

Mike's Rating: 2.5 out of 5
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Pabst Blue Ribbon

This ain't no bull riding association, its cheap yummy beer. You could roughly estimate that forty plus percent of my body is now made of PBR. I will drink Pabst out of a can or bottle, but the bottle always makes it taste too watery. The way to go is straight out of the tap. If you can get them to pour it into a big ass mason jar, you won't regret it. It is also an excellent writing tool. I went to college, I know.

Mike's Rating: 3.5 out of 5
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Mickeys. The best beer ever. Okay now I know that isn't true but I like to believe so. It's a belief as strong as the faith Cubs fans hold that they may ever win a world series. Or maybe, a better comparison would be a Marlins fan. Everyone thinks they suck but all six fans know how good they are, they have two titles for god sake! So drink Mickeys. Drink lots of it. I take baths in the stuff and wash my face with it. You should too, it might clear up that ugly mug of yers.

Mike's Rating: 5 out of 5
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I like Coors. I'm somewhat ashamed to say so, but it makes me hit home runs. Now I'm talking about Coors, not that wussy light stuff. It's never been mean to me or told me my ideas were stupid. It's never spent my money on shoes or paint pens. No, me and Coors have a strong loving relationship.

Mike's Rating: 2 out of 5
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Pilsner Urquell

I like Pilsner Urquell. It's a little more bitter than how some people like their beer. I'm not sure when American's decided all their beer needed to taste like water but I must have not got the memo. I wouldn't want to drink this stuff everyday, but I might have to 'cause I bought a lot of it. I wish there was a way to have an Anger Parade beer exchange. Jenny and I used to talk about putting together a AP beer sampler, I just don't even know how to start since everyone lives so far away...

Mike's Rating: 2 out of 5
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Wells Bombardier Premium Ale

Wells Bombardier is yummy and smooth. It was exactly what I needed to calm down after the confusing, crazy night in which I procured it...

Mike's Rating: 4 out of 5
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Red Stripe

Once, long before the recent advertising campaign, this drunk mom came up to me in the store and started asking me whether or not she should buy Red Stripe. I will tell you now what I told her then, "Hey girl what's going on. Yeah you should buy it, but not before you give me that number." It led to a three month affair that probably took a couple months off my life. And this scar... Drink Red Stripe responisibly and always in moderation.

Mike's Rating: 4.5 out of 5
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Warsteiner: Premium Dunkel

Now I'm not sure what a Dunkel is but it can't be healthy. But who worries about their health nowadays anyway? Christ, I eat fried catfish and orange soda for breakfast. Warsteiner Premium Dark is a solid darker beer that is rather smooth going down. I would probably pass in favor for another beer if I was drinking dark, but there are some who don't feel that way at all.

Mike's Rating: 3 out of 5
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St. Pauli Girl: Special Dark

Waking up is hard to do, that's why I start my day with St. Pauli Girl Special Dark. For a beer I almost passed on as some sort of gimmick it is pretty awesome. It tastes a lot like they just threw in some brown sugar in their beer, but I ain't complaining. It's delicious. Plus I got this friend Justin who loves brown sugar, wink wink, nod nod, if you know what I mean.

Mike's Rating: 4 out of 5
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Ziegen Bock: Amber

Brewed exclusively for Texas, Ziegen Bock is a treat. Again it isn't necessarily a beer that I would want to slam all night but for those who enjoy flavor then you will enjoy this. I am partial to Amber's and while I can't say that this is the best ever, it definitely got my attention. Although as I near the end of the bottle I am now feeling physically ill. I should have know this would happen... Texas and I have never really gotten along, but poisoning my beer is low even for that excuse for a state. Go build another prison and leave me to my beer...

Mike's Rating: 2.5 out of 5
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JW Dundee's Honey Brown

JW Makes a good drink but I'm not sure if I'd call it a beer. At 4.5 there isn't much to really feel. It is good though and the bottle is metal which could be handy if you have a car that runs on tin. Or you eat it. Because you are a robot... The Honey Brown is the kind of beer that you could drink to wash your mouth out with after having something stanky like Camo. I have a hard time believing that I could finish a six of the stuff though. If you see this and just want something mild (or you in fact ARE half machine) then by all means pick it up.

Mike's Rating: 3 out of 5
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