Miller Genuine Draft
I'll have to admit that I was a little skeptical about this stuff. My only real experience with MGD was as a kid my mom used to keep a couple of 'em in the fridge. I asked why she did that since I never saw her drink beer and she said it was so that in case anyone every broke into the house they'd know a man lived there. Don't ask me the rationality behind this, I mean they would have had to already broken into the house and I have my doubts the watch beers would chase them off. Regardless of its lack of intimidatability it isn't really that bad of a beer. I've even heard a few say that it might even ranked up there as the king of lawnmower beers. I'm not sure about all that but overall it could be much much worse.
Mike's Rating: 2 out of 5
2 out of 5? Didn't you rate coors above this? MGD is the king of lawnmower beers, you silly monkey.